We've written a lot about the changes Apple made to its App Store Guidelines in mid-2017, and recently they made further changes that reinforce the importance of adopting an Enterprise Event App strategy.
There are two key event app takeaways you need to be aware of in 2018:
App(s) will need to be posted under your own App Store account, and Eventbase can do that for you.
You will still need to consolidate your event apps.
Let's take a deeper look at what this means for your organization.
1. Apple's App Store Guideline 4.2.6 now requires that you post apps under your own App Store account. While posting your event app under your vendor's App Store account may have been easier for your team in the past, this will no longer be possible after April 1, 2018. At Eventbase, we're working with Apple and our customers to make this transition where necessary, but we anticipate the real challenge will be for enterprises who have chosen a low-cost event app to date.
Will your corporate IT team allow your current event app vendor to post an event app under your account? With Eventbase, you know you are getting the most trusted, scalable and secure app on the market and we have posted apps on behalf of many of the world's biggest brands including IBM, Cisco and SXSW. But a low-cost vendor may not be able to meet your enterprise IT requirements, pass your information security review, complete adequate penetration testing, or ensure an acceptable hosting environment. Now is a great time for you to consider upgrading to Eventbase. Ready to chat? Click here for more information.
2. Importantly, Apple did NOT change Section 4.3 of its App Store Guidelines, which requires that you consolidate your event apps. “Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app”. Also, Apple is no longer grandfathering existing event apps after April, so this may force you to accelerate your event app consolidation strategy. The Eventbase team is here to help you through this transition.
If you have any questions, send me an email or contact our team to setup a call.
Jeff Sinclair
Co-Founder & CEO