May 23, 2014 - Hailed as the Greatest Show and Tell on Earth, Maker Faire celebrates, well, “makers”. Hobbyists, science clubs, authors, bedroom inventors, and tech lovers of all ages gathered to San Francisco’s Bay Area over the weekend of May 17th & 18th to get their make on, and having powered the app for this year’s Faire, Eventbase was there to show its support.
Maker Faire has grown exponentially since its inception in 2006. Originally held in its two flagship cities in the Bay Area and New York, there are now 98 independently-hosted Mini and Featured Maker Faires across the globe.
There was so much to see and do and gawk at during this year’s fest that our official Eventbase correspondent, Andrew, almost couldn’t keep up. But he provided us with these fun tidbits:
3D printing was thoroughly represented
There was a huge amount of scrap-metal vehicles shaped like animals shooting fire. See our Vine account for the live action.
Arduino, a software/hardware that makes it easy for people to build and program their own robots and other machines, is everywhere
Many people were proudly waving their Steampunk flags
The “Show Barn” was filled with people who are combining Arduino with agriculture (eg. sensors to monitor ground moisture for automatic watering systems)
The future is now, folks!